Thursday, July 10, 2008

In the beginning....

Everybody has to start somewhere, right? I have been lurking on other people's blogs for months now -- some of them I actually know, and others I found by clicking on link after link until I end up who knows where, and somehow I find myself caring about total strangers.

I know my posts will not be interesting like the ones I read regularly, but at least our friends and family can find out what we've been up to, as my e-mails have become sporadic at best (and mostly non-existent!).

I looked up the definition of "vintage" before deciding what to name this blog. One definition is: "Characterized by excellence, maturity, and enduring appeal; classic." The other definition is: "Old or outmoded."

I'll leave it up to you, gentle readers, to choose which one fits. Please be kind :)