Monday, December 15, 2008

"It's a Marshmallow World"

This is what we woke up to this morning. This, plus the sounds of the sirens as the emergency vehicles rushed frantically from the scene of one minor accident to the the the next...Well, you get the picture. Idiot drivers who think that just because they have an SUV or 4-wheel drive, that they don't have to slow down for the EXTREMELY ICY roads. I even saw people zipping by talking on their cell phones -- at least until they slide into the curb, or the car ahead of them.

I know this amount of snow is basically nothing to many of our friends and family who deal with this all winter in the area they live, but Western Oregon doesn't "do snow" very well. (All the schools were closed -- except the U. of O.) Those of us who know better take the bus to work, or stay home. Not because we don't think we could handle it out there, but because we know the roads are full of those who can't.

Anyway, isn't it beautiful? But cold -- very cold!

Everything looks fresher and cleaner covered in a blanket of white.

And for those of you who really aren't interested in our pitiful amount of snow, I give you the following random picture to ponder.


Tom said...

I heard on the news it got down to 12 there. Way to go on the new record low! And by the way... thanks for the link!

Mandi said...

Too bad we missed it! I love the snow so I was so bummed to find out that we were missing such excitement in Eugene. I think Neil was okay with missing out though...