Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mama's Helpers?

I'm told that Danica is a pretty good helper at home.  One of the chores she is learning to do is to put away the dishes.  I was invited over for a meal the other day, and while Melissa was making sandwiches for everyone, Danica was emptying the dishwasher and Mira was "helping."

But as everyone knows, everything in baby's hand goes right into baby's mouth (how else can she explore her world?).

Let's try the green plastic spoon first.   

Meanwhile, Danica is diligently working on her task.

Then Mira needs to try out a plastic plate to go with the spoon.

The next course is the metal spoon.  (Doesn't she look like she's plotting something?)

No, you can't have this one -- it's all mine!

Danica shows us how carefully she can carry the dishes.

Making progress.

Oh, are we done already?  I was having fun.  Can't I help some more?

Of course, the dishes that Mira "helped" with had to go straight back into the dishwasher.  :-)

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