It appears I've gotten way too lazy with blogging, and I forget that not all of my friends and family are on Facebook. Not that I've been much better with posting on Facebook.....
So here are a few pictures to get things caught up a little (September, October, November):
Mandi tried a sewing project. I think she got a little frustrated, but persevered and finished up her dress. |
Danica and Melissa love building their Lego houses, vehicles, etc. They are very good at following the instruction booklets that tell how to make various projects from the same set of Legos. |
Cute R.V. (and cute granddaughter!) |
Dewsnup Family. |
We like to try planting different varieties of tomatoes each year. Many of this variety came out with this weird "appendage" which I found amusing because it was somewhat obscene if you look at it from certain directions. (I hope nobody is offended by this picture!) |
This text to me from Melissa regarding Mira's "protest" was from earlier this year, but I'm not sure when. |
Clay and I do some babysitting occasionally for some friends of ours who have 11-month old twins, Charlotte and Henry, known collectively as "Chenry" (which is much more amusing than "the twins"). We decided it was a plot -- Henry is distracting Clay while Charlotte sneaks in to steal his glasses. It worked! |
This is my walking partner, Jody, (with Dolly). We walk about 3 miles, 3 times a week. Now that it's cold and dark in the evenings, we have been working out in our garage on the treadmill and stationary bike. |
Clay reading to Mira -- don't you love her hairdo!? |
The girls are ready for Halloween. |
Melissa made her own Cinderella costume. Rob had agreed to dress up as Prince Charming, but Melissa was not able to find the appropriate pieces to his costume, so he went as his old stand-by, "Dead Guy". |
Just a recent picture of Nathan. I caught him in mid-laugh. |
One of the ladies I visit teach brought me this lovely flower bouquet in a real pumpkin. (Yes, I know I"m the one who is supposed to be doing things for them, not the other way around!) |
I was watching the girls one sunny fall afternoon, so we walked to a small playground at a nearby church (used to have a school there too). Mira wasn't sure she wanted to come down the slide, so Danica just grabbed her and slid down. |
Danica liked twirling on the swings, and Mira loved swinging -- at least until she lost her balance getting off the swing and sat down in some very damp, almost muddy, wood shavings and freaked out. She does not like being dirty. I had to wipe her off with my hands, and carry her most of the way home. |
This street sign is kitty-corner to our house. People get very confused when we try to give them directions to our house because both streets are named Kodiak (they are right angles to each other -- in a "T" shape although the base of the "T" is only a half block and the top part is a couple blocks long, if you can follow my poor description). When they ask how to find our house, we say "well, you turn on Kodiak and then you turn again on Kodiak". Luckily we are the only house with a picket fence, so we can at least narrow it down a bit! |
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