Sunday, November 22, 2009

Oh Happy Day!

My boss Arlene is really into the Hawaiian culture, and several weeks ago she offered me some tickets to a program of songs and dances of Hawaii, which I was interested in seeing, and Clay agreed to go. However........

Neither one of us realized it would be taking place at the same time as an Oregon Ducks football game.

Then why is he so happy, you might ask?

He has just discovered that the game is being broadcast on an FM station of the MP3 player I threw in my purse at the last moment (even though we both thought it was only broadcast on an AM station, which my player does not get). The game went into double overtime, so Clay was entertained throughout most of a fairly long program -- he said he was "multi-tasking" as he could listen to the game and watch the dancing at the same time!

So, we both had an enjoyable evening!

I took mostly movies of the dances, so here are just a couple of pictures..

These little girls were very cute.

Here are a few clips from some dances, in case you're interested (I threw this together really fast, so not very professionally done).

Oh, the Ducks won the game, by the way! :)

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