Sunday, April 18, 2010

Soccer Game and Miscellaneous

Danica is playing soccer again this year.  Now they're even playing games against other teams (in the past they were basically just learning the skills and practicing).  Clay and I went to see yesterday's game (Clay had been to previous games, but it was the first one I'd been to this year).  It was a beautiful morning, and it was fun to watch.  Most 5-year-olds are not very competitive, but they seemed to be enjoying themselves, for the most part (there were a few tears at times).

Danica likes kicking the ball.  

She's a pretty fast runner, too.

Time for a juice break.  This is hard work.

The whole team got in there to try and block the goal.  Not very successfully, though.  The white-shirted team had some pretty good players and made a lot of goals.

Danica played three quarters, then ran races with Grandpa while she sat out the 4th quarter.

I need a camera with a better zoom lens!

A hug for little sister.

A cheer for the other team when the game was over (that one little boy didn't look very cheerful, though).

Everything is a picture-taking occasion.  Here are my favorite girls.

Mira really wanted to get down and explore.  And by that I mean she wanted to eat the pretty little white flowers in the grass, and anything else she could find.

It's kind of hard to learn to walk when your pants are falling down and covering up your feet!

Mira turned 10 months old on the 15th.  Melissa really wanted to get some pictures, and it was a nice sunny day (really too sunny--it was hard to get a good picture), but kind of windy.

I don't think she could figure out why we were sitting her down in a patch of flowers.

I think she's saying: "I'm just not too sure about this, folks!"

We "borrowed" the neighbor's yard for a nice background, as our tulips were a bit past their prime.

But it was kinda hard to get the squirmy one to cooperate.

We girls have gone on a few walks lately.

Danica likes to pick up "souvenirs" everywhere we go.  We try to limit them to the least disgusting of what she wants to pick up.

Drumming on the bus stop with the reeds she picked.

On our walk today, Danica insisted that she was an "old lady" and had to use these "canes" for walking.

I was baby-sitting Mira and gave her a silky blue shirt from the dress-up box (because she likes things of that "slippery" texture such as nylon slips, etc.).  Somehow she managed to get it on by accident.  Upside down, but she wore it for at least ten minutes before she finally shook it off.

One hand was all the way through the sleeve, but the other one wasn't, and she got frustrated trying to pick things up with the hand that was covered.

She looks good in blue, don't you think?

And last, but not least:  Danica and Melissa were playing around with the Dynamo labeler.  I'm glad to know that I'll be able to remember their names now!

Actually, this might be useful for Clay--he has a tendency to mix up the names of his family members.  :-)

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