Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Seriously Cute

My, what a talented daughter I have.  Melissa has been very "crafty" lately.  In addition to the cute things she's been working on that you can see on her blog, she surprised me with an adorable Mother's Day gift -- a sock monkey.  (I have admired them in the stores, but had resisted the temptation so far).  Mine is the striped one.  "Polkie" (the polka-dot one) is Danica's.  I haven't found the perfect name for mine yet.

And what's even cuter than two monkeys?  Why, three monkeys, of course!  Just kidding!! -- I'm not really calling  my adorable granddaughter a "monkey".  Danica wanted to be in the picture too.  Notice how well her outfit matches the monkeys -- was that on purpose?.

Danica loves working in the garden with her grandpa.  She was in charge of planting the marigolds this year.  The one thing I insist on having in the garden every year is marigolds.  Clay chooses the rest of whatever gets planted.

She did a great job of planting the flowers.  She wasn't bothered at all by the excessive amount of worms we have in our garden. She enjoyed the worm "family" she found, and had very elaborate descriptions of the great big daddy worm, the medium-sized mama worm, and the itty-bitty baby worm, and the exciting life they were leading.  She put them (along with a bunch of soil and "food") in a little bug habitat she has, which Melissa has decreed must stay at our house.  They were "freed" a couple of days later.

And of course, if we're talking about cute, we can't leave Mira out of this post.  So here's a picture of her from a recent trip to the grocery store -- gotta get her started early on smart shopping!  She loves being able to sit up in the cart and see what's going on.

Seriously cute!

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